Friday, March 18, 2016

What's the Best Probiotic Sources for Vegans?

What's the Best Probiotic Sources for Vegans?: Probiotics are fantastic for supporting digestion and immune system health; however, if you're vegan you may have to seek out specific probiotic sources.

Who would have thought a tea would be a source of probiotics? Definitely not me, however Kombucha Tea is listed on multiple sites as readily available in stores and coffee shops. This is a tea consisting of fermented black tea, yeast and sugar. With a variety of health benefits I will be picking up some of this today. If you would like more information check this page out it even has instructions to make your own. I don't think I am brave enough for that...I may create a super probiotic that no gut is ready for.

What is Kombucha? The 10 Facts You Need to Know: Kombucha is a fermented tea rich in probiotics and antioxidants. The fermentation process yields many potential health benefits that we discuss right here.

Check the Resource Tab for more great information from The Global Healing Center.


  1. I'm not convinced we need to add "good" bacteria to our guts. Eating a fair amount of raw plant materials and avoiding processed foods seems to be working well for me.
    Another resource in case you have yet to stumble across it...

  2. The "good bacteria" or probiotics are created from the fermentation process. We have a symbiotic relationship with them. I used to eat meat and a variety of dairy products that used the fermentation process and had no lack of probiotics. The Weston A Price Diet allows for meat and dairy, even most vegetarian allows for dairy. Vegan however does not - no animal protein is consumed. I agree I do not wish to by supplements but rather find foods to supply my nutritional needs.
